Dr. Md. Rafiqul Matin has retired as Managing Director, Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) in January 2023. Besides, he is working as an adjunct faculty of School of Business of North South University (NSU) and East West University (EWU), the two oldest prestigious private universities in Bangladesh, in the rank of Professor.
Before working as Managing Director, Dr. Matin worked as Project Director, Cyber Threat Detection and Response Project of Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in the rank of Additional Director General. He also worked as Director (ICT) of DoT and Director (Maintenance & Operation) of Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL). During his tenure as the Director (M&O), he worked as the Member Secretary of the Organogram Committee while Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) was being restructured to BTCL and contributed a lot in the preparation of the organogram of BTCL having 8,703 permanent employees, which has been highly appreciated by the Board of Directors (BoD) of BTCL and special honorarium was granted to him. He also has successfully planned and executed number of projects which are increasing the revenues of BTCL. He pioneered the digitization of the complaint handling system i.e. SMS based web-based complaint handling system in BTCL during this tenure.
As a Division Engineer between the period December 1999 to October 2009, he contributed a lot in the BTTB and then BTCL. As head of the Uttara Phones Division, he took the initiatives to change the whole scenario of the office. Total Office Automation System was implemented to make a paperless environment. A LAN was setup for introducing e-Governance system. This initiative had been recognized by the Honorable Minister and Secretary to the Ministry of Posts of Telecommunications during their visits. News on these achievements had also been published in different dailies. Besides, during his tenure as Divisional Engineer (International Telecommunication Services), he took active part in introducing new Economy ISD service with prefix 012 which became very popular and contributed a lot to increase BTTB’s revenue.
In a very short period (February 1999 to December 1999) as a sub-divisional engineer at the Planning wing of BTTB, he took active part in computerized processing of Project Concept Paper (PCP) and Project Proposal (PP), which were previously prepared manually. He started his career in BTTB after qualifying Bangladesh Civil Service (B.C.S.) examination in 1991. He joined as an Assistant Divisional Engineer on February 20, 1991 and worked in different capacities since February 1999. During this period, he actively participated in computerization process of the planning wing of BTTB.
Prior to joining BTTB, he served in British Oxygen Company (BOC) as an Assistant Engineer from September 1989 to February 1991. He also served as an Assistant Engineer in Atomic Energy Commission for a short time from May 1989 to September 1989.
Dr. Matin has completed his PhD from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) of Dhaka University in 2018. He obtained an MBA degree with a major in Finance in 2003 from North South University, Dhaka bearing CGPA 3.97 out of 4 and awarded with Gold Medal. He got his M.Sc. Engineering degree in Electrical & Electronics in 1991 from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka bearing CGPA 3.08 out of 4. He got his B.Sc. Engineering degree in Electrical & Electronics in 1988 from the same University securing first class with 68.4% marks. He Passed H.S.C. Examination in 1982 from Rajshahi Board with first division bearing 87.5% marks securing 6th place in the combined merit list out of approx. 45,000 candidates. He had his S.S.C. Examination in 1980 from Jessore Board with first division bearing 79.1% marks securing 14th place in the combined merit list out of approx. 50,000 candidates.
He attended extensive local and foreign training to boost his career. He was trained on Optical Fiber Outside Plant from May 5-15, 1997 conducted by ALCATEL, France. He participated training program on PSPDN: Value Added Services for 3 weeks in November, 1997 conducted by British Telecom. He got training on International Optical Fiber Submarine Cable System Engineering from January 13 to March 3, 2000 conducted by KDD Corporation, Japan. He attended workshop on IP, Data Networks and E-commerce – The Global Environment conducted by Teleglobe, Canada from November 12-15, 2001. He participated in Mux Factory Training conducted by Nera Telecommunications Ltd. Turkey from December 12-16, 2005.
He co-authored his first paper with Alam, K. Shahan on Efficient Market Hypothesis: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange, which was published in Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, Volume V, No. 2, July-December 2009, pp. 73-87. Next publication was also co-authored with Zahid, Jawad R. on Price Effect in Dhaka Stock Exchange of Cross-listing in Chittagong Stock Exchange. International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, Vol. 2, No. 6 (June), 2012.
He has visited USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, South Africa, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
Contact Details:
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Matin
Ex-Managing Director
Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTCL)
Mobile: +880-1555-999-333